Teacher Sportsman Author

Apart from my family that has always been my top priority, I have had several hobbies which fascinate me.

Teaching became my profession because I wanted it. I could also have become a physician or lawyer, which the principal of my school advised. However, already as a student I found pleasure in helping other students solve learning problems and thus studying pedagogics was a natural choice for me.

At the age of 29 I started running competetively after watching the German marathon championships back in 1980. The radiation of deep contentment that streamed from the runners after crossing the finish line motivated me to become a marathoner myself.
Later on, I detected for myself that footbiking is a highly effective alternative to running and nowadays footbiking has substituted running in my sportive life.

Now that I am a retired headmaster I have time to write down what I find noteworthy, in other words I have become an author, too.


Lehrer haben es schwer(er) ...

My first book is about my experiences as a teacher and principal at schools at home and abroad. Originally, I used my pseudonym "Paul Gruber" because I did not want any characters appearing in the book to be connected with living, real persons.

In the latest edition then, after cutting out some chapters and adding a new one, I decided to use my real name.

The book contains both factual and fictional texts. The text forms vary from narration to poem.

It is written in German but maybe I will translate it into English soon.

Erschienen in Gedicht und Gesellschaft 2021 (Hrsg. Brentano Gesellschaft)

Run Walk Enjoy

There are a lot of books on the subject of running so I did not just want to add another one.

In this booklet I laid the emphasis on how to exercise, on how to train properly because I have seen again and again that runners, walkers, sportsmen and -women in general had to give up their sport because of injury.

As I see it, the reasons for these failures are to be found in exercising wrongly, in most cases in trying to achieve too much in too short a time.

My book is a guidebook that will help to avoid injuries, which is the single most important ingredient of successful training - for the novice as well as the world-class sportsman.

Wer läuft, lebt richtig

77 Seiten Gedanken in Gedichten und Geschichten ....


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